METDO Tanzania

METDO Tanzania

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Minister of agriculture, Hon. Charles Tizeba discussing somethimg with minister of industries, trade, and investments when they visited Kagera sugar estate on their three day official visit in Kagera region.

By Mathias Canal-MA, Kagera

Agricultural minister, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba (MP) has completed the three day official visit in Kagera which srarted on 10 July to 13 July 2018 by visiting five districts; Bukoba, Kyerwa, Karagwe, Missenyi and Muleba. This was due to instructions given by his Excellency, Tanzania's president, Hon. Dr John Pombe Magufuli when he was swearing some new appointed leaders in the state house in Dar es Salaam on 2 July 2018. He wanted the agricultural ministry to make a follow up on why delay of paying coffee farmers and why some of the farmers sell their produced coffee in Uganda. And finally, president suggested if there is  the best buyer in Uganda he should be brought to buy the produce in the country.

After receiving the command of president Magufuli, the agricultural minister, Hon Tizeba asked his deputy minister in the agricultural ministry, Hon. Omary Mgumba (MP) to pay a three day visit in Kagera region from 4 to 6 July 2018 to find coffee business challenges face farmers including delaying to pay their money and loan to cooperative unions and association boards of KCU and KDCU.

On 6 July 2018 Hon. Tizeba called for a meeting in the Mwanza RC office which was also attended by Kagera region commissioner, all district commissioners and district directors of Kagera councils, agricultural officers, and inspectors of coffee and cotton to receive the report of deputy minister, Hon. Mgumba from his visit.

After receiving the report at the meeting, minister Tizeba had to visit to Kagera region to resolve the challenges face farmers, where, among others, he met various groups including receiving the Kagera region commissioner, Retired Major General, Hon. Salum Kijuu's report about agricultural sector, especially, coffee product, meeting with coffee stakeholders, visiting basic association boards as well as meeting with coffee industrial owners.

The minister of agriculture Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba explaining about CCM manifesto 2015-2020 when he was speaking with coffee stakeholders in a meeting held at Isingiro in Kyerwa district.

While speaking to coffee stakeholders on 10 July 2018 at the meeting held at Isangiro conference centre in Kyerwa district, agricultural minister Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba strongly rebuked the behavior of exporting coffee without following the rules and laws put by the government (smuggling). So, any citizen who is obtained selling the produce out of the country will be taken to the court of law.

Also Dr Tizeba banned selling of prematured  coffee in the farm (batura) as by so doing is to weaken the long-term efforts taken by a farmer and to reduce the eligible income.

He said, the government will endeavor to seek the best price of coffee in and out of East Africa so that citizens may reap the benefit and productivity on agriculture. He explained that coffee farmers all over the country can't see all these benefits while keep selling prematured coffee in the farm and smuggling.

Moreover, agricultural minister, Hon. Tizeba asked Kyerwa district director, Mr Shadrack Mhagama to as soon as possible complete the pulping coffee factory of Omkagando which was launched by torch of freedom since 2016 at the expense of the government but so far it failed to be developed.

The minister of agriculture, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba greeting with uganda's minister of trade, Hon. Fredrick Ngobi Gume few minutes before commencing of their official meeting which was also attended by Tanzania's minister of industries, trade and investments, Hon. Charles Mwijage.
Work session continues
The minister of agriculture, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba insisting on something when he met Uganda's minister of trade, Hon. Fredrick Ngobi Gume (on left). The other is the minister of industries, trade and investments, Hon. Charles Mwijage (at the middle)

It has been noted that the sale of coffee in Uganda is not very different from that found in Tanzania if the farmers could sell their coffee in the initial market, a thing which concerns farmers who were deceived that Uganda's price is good and efficient to farmers than here in. 

1 kilogram of coffee pods is sold at a cost of 2000 Ugandan shillings in Uganda which is equivalent to 1,400 Tanzanian shillings (1.7 exchange rate). For example,  here in Tanzania at the last week auction which was held in Moshi municipality on 
12 July 2018 the price of pods coffee of KCU-association board from Kagera was sold at the average of 1460 (weekly indicative price) which is given by coffee board according to coffee market in the world.

However, Tanzanian farmers will benefit more by selling to the coffee auction directly  leaving out farm's price by using their association where the least average price is 1900 out of operating costs. By selling at the auction farmers get the price according to the quality of their coffee which are at different grades, a thing which motivates farmers to produce better than selling raw coffee.

These were identified on 11 July 2018 by agricultural minister, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba when he was speaking to coffee stakeholders in the Happiness hotel conference centre in Mtukula, Misenyi district as a soon as after he met and talk with trade minister of Uganda, hon. Fredrick Ngobi Gume in the meeting which was also attended by Tanzania's minister of industries, trade and investment, Hon. Charles Mwijage.

"My sisters and brothers there's something you don't know, for those who say in Uganda coffee price is better than Tanzania are lying, there isn't such a thing. What leads people to take their coffee in Uganda is informal loan and credit with high interest rate which needs farmers to pay it by taking their coffee in place of cash" said Dr Tizeba when he was talking to coffee stakeholders of Mtukula in Misenyi district.

Trade minister of Uganda, Hon. Fredrick Ngobi Gume assured his host that coffee business in Uganda has got the same challenges as Tanzania. For instance the same problem of informal loan which exploit farmers in Tanzania occurs in Uganda, too even higher than Tanzania. Hon. Gume requested to come back on 16-19 July 2018 to learn the best way to run cooperative unions and to establish a package retailer system in agricultural products.

Minister Gume said that the government of Uganda which is led by his Excellency, Hon. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni will keep in touch with Tanzania's government which is led by his Excellency, Hon. Dr John Pombe Magufuli. So, he said Uganda is ready to work together and have common decision with Tanzania, especially, in agricultural sector.

The minister of agriculture, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba giving a word from ministry of agriculture to Prime minister on the cooperative unions day ceremony which was held at Furahisha ground in Mwanza city on 7 July 2018
Tanzania's Prime minister, Hon. Kassim M. Majaliwa (MP) giving a prize to minister of agriculture, Hon. Charles Tizeba for his efforts on strengthening and empowering cooperative unions at the ceremony held at Furahisha ground in Mwanza city on 7 July 2018

The government announced doomsday to some leaders of cooperative unions who misuse the unions property for their benefit on top of unions' members.

It has been said that embezzlement of cooperative properties which is done by some unfaithful cooperative leaders is chronic problem which hinders new member to join the cooperative unions.

The rebuke to such leaders was given by agricultural minister, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba on 6 July 2018 at the ceremony of opening the national conference of cooperative unions' members of Tanzania which was held at Furahisha ground in Mwanza city few days before he visited Kagera region.

The two day conference went together with cooperative works and product exhibition done by the unions national wide where all members had the opportunity to exchange experiences, and discussing some achievement and challenges they face in running cooperative sector in the country.

He said, the government recognizes that cooperative is important way to help citizens to get capital and join their economic strengths to lift up their economic status.

He said, there are efforts done by the government in collaboration with different stakeholders to make sure that more citizens are pushed and join the cooperative unions according to what they do so as to remove the notion that cooperative unions are for agricultural sectors only.

Along with it, Hon. Tizeba wanted cooperative unions development authority and cooperative unions federation to keep encouraging citizens to recognise and join to the cooperative unions according to what they do, i.e. industrial cooperative union, mining cooperative union, livestock keeping cooperative union,  logistics and transportation union, and fishing and agricultural cooperative union.

He added that the government recognizes the contribution of national cooperatives towards millennium goals and other national goals, including, strengthen of industrial, agriculture, fishing and trade sectors which will contribute to increase an individual income and overall GDP.

On 7 July 2018, Tanzania's prime minister Hon. Kassim M. Majaliwa (MP) gave a prize to agricultural minister, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba for well-done job he has been doing to strengthen cooperative and association sectors in the country in short time if just two years period, when he was appointed to the serve to the position.

The prize has been given on the day of world's cooperative unions by prime minister on behalf of cooperative members who prepared it to recognise the well-done job of minister Tizeba in a short time to bring back the citizens lost faith in cooperative unions.

The prize to Dr Tizeba has been given after one day only since he announced the doomsday to all unfaithful cooperative unions' leaders who use the cooperative unions' properties for their personal benefits on top of members.

On 6 July 2018, Hon. Dr Tizeba angrily explained about the embezzlement of cooperative resources which is done by some leaders when he was opening the two day notional conference for cooperative unions' members at Furahisha ground in Mwanza city.

The prize of strengthen the cooperative sector was also given to his Excellency Dr John Pombe Magufuli and Prime minister, Hon. Kassim M. Majaliwa (MP) for their outstanding supervision of cooperative unions.

The minister of agriculture, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba clarifying about coffee business when he was speaking at a special invitation with Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) council of Kagera region at Bukoba Coop hotel on 12 July 2018.

The longtime claims of farmers that cooperative unions give low price has given a solution after government go through the production costs intensively and adding value to coffee products in Kagera cooperative unions.

The government has stopped those unions to take more than 490 per pods coffee kilogram as operating and value adding costs, initially, the cost was high to the extent of using 1350 as operating costs for one kilogram of pods coffee.

Agricultural minister, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba said that on 12 July 2018 when he was speaking with Kagera region members of CCM council at the Bukuba Coop hotel where one of the agendas in the meeting was running of coffee business in cooperative unions.

Dr Tizeba told the delegates that he has stopped that costs following the claims from coffee stakeholders in Kagera region since the costs seemed to be higher than the actual costs.

"My brothers members of CCM council, how possible is the same price of 200 to be given to both main union and primary union as tariff? Who can benefit you to this extent? Now we have cut down the tariffs as I have explained" Dr Tizeba was quoted.

He added the cooperative question is to complement the CCM manifesto which is the contract between government and citizens in five years period, 2015-2020. It gives the direction to find markets for agricultural products by empowering and strengthening the cooperative unions to follow the in and outside markets by collecting, analysing and distributing information and educating union members on adding value. With strong believe that cooperative unions is the only way to resolve challenges face farmers in marketing.

Also, minister Tizeba said  that he asked farmers who sold a few amount coffee shouldn't be paid in banking system to avoid unnecessary disturbances, in stead for those with lots of coffee which will need lots of money should be paid in banking system.

He added the agricultural success, especially, coffee should be sold through primary cooperative unions which is explained in ccm manifesto chapter 2 figure 21 (n)

He also explained that cooperative unions  should analyse the farmers income before they put forward the operating costs. And he said that he has asked all district commissioners and district directors whose districts deal with coffee production to crosscheck the process of coffee marketing from collecting to selling step.

On the side of Kagera region ccm chairperson, ms Costansia Buhiye, she congratulated agricultural minister for resolving the challenge number 10 of the ccm council meeting on fear of coffee price and cooperative unions running.

Buhiye congratulated minister for various steps he has taken to resolve some challenges during his three day visit in the region. She said that she believes the council members will proudly walking if their farmers are given a reasonable price.

The minister of agriculture, Hon. Charles Tizeba insisting on something when he was speaking with coffee stakeholders in Muleba district during his three day official visit in Kagera region

on the other step CRDB bank has been required to hurry up the payment of KCU according to court judgement in 2003 whereby farmers were deducted amount of 10 shillings per coffee kilogram so as to build the production fund for three years, from 1999 to 1993.

Agricultural minister, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba on 12 July 2018 commanded that when he was speaking in the meeting with coffee stakeholders in Muleba district on his third day of official visit in Kagera region, the meeting which was also attended by minister of industries, trade and investment, Hon. Charles Mwijage.

The question of these claims erupted in the meeting after farmers to show up the booklets to reveal how the deduction of 10 shillings per kilogram was done for three years consecutively.

These claims have been being presented by farmers in a long period of time which led them to lose hope and faith on KCU.

The case started when CRDB prevented the payment of coffee so as to pay the debt of 1997/1998 season.

The judgment of the case which was held on 28 October 2009 gave farmers the right to be paid their money. Since then CRDB managed to repay the money it took, 525 million. And the remained amount has not paid yet claiming that they are looking forward to appealing the case of which the appealing time frame is no longer at their side.

Dr Tizeba said that the total claimed amount plus interest runs to 6 billion while insisted CRDB has to pay the money on time. Dr Tizeba said failure to pay farmers on time is moving against the government which is led by his Excellency, Dr John Pombe Magufuli.

At the same time minister Tizeba required all districts which deal with coffee production to make sure that all products are taken to primary cooperative unions and association (AMCOS) as according to that the income to their districts will go higher.

The minister of agriculture, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba looking at sugar production when they visited Kagera sugar estate during their three day visit in Kagera region. 

Minister of agriculture, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba and minister of industries, trade and investment, Hon. Charles Mwijage required the administration of Kagera sugar estate to stop bureaucracy on selling their produced sugar instead they should supply it to the maximum to reduce the scarcity of sugar in the community.

This requirement was given when they were speaking with the administrative body of the estate on 11 July 2018 when they visited the estate during their visit in Kagera region.

Those ministers in common language gave 14 days for the estate to increase sugar production from 350-360 tones per day so as to reach at least 450-500 tones a day. By so doing they will increase the availability of sugar in the community which will take the price to the cost effective.

Moreover, those ministers strongly rebuked the estate for having few sugar distributor's agents, a thing which  weakens their competition to the market a trick which lead to unfriendly sugar price to consumers (citizens).

They said that the estate administration should assess the best way to invest more so as to simplify the service to citizens shortly which is one of the 2015-2010 CCM manifesto which leads to achieve the 2025 development vision.

Dr Tizeba said that there is smuggling in sugar importation while our industries hiding sugar in their godowns without supplying to the market (sugar consumers).

He also required sugar experts to educate the community about the important of producing sugarcane as well as working incorporation with more than 490 sugarcane peasants in the near villages round the estate.

Minister of industries, trade and investment, Hon. Charles Mwijage said that the government is looking forward to having the best way to produce sugar in the country. So the sugar industries should consider the government efforts by adding amount of their production.

He also insisted that the 5th government  which is led by his Excellency, Hon. Dr John Pombe Magufuli will not hesitate to ban out all industries which will go against rules and regulations in accomplishing its duties.

The minister of agriculture, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba having a look on researched bean's seeds by Tanzania Agricultural Research (TAR), Maruku centre when he paid his visit in Butairuka village in Bukoba district on 13 July 2018.
The minister of agriculture, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba having a look on researched bean's seeds by Tanzania Agricultural Research (TAR), Maruku centre when he paid his visit in Butairuka village in Bukoba district on 13 July 2018.

On his three day official visit, the minister of agriculture, Hon. Dr Charles Tizeba spoke with TARI-MARUKU centre and TACRI wanting them to improve their effectiveness in their fields so as to benefit farmers all over the country. As the research banks which are available have not effectively used.

He said that researchers have to advertise  their findings and adding research in different agricultural crops including coffee to increase productivity.

Tizeba said these on 13 July 2018 when he was speaking in the official meeting with administrators of those research institutes and MARUKU administration body in Butairuka village, Maruku ward in Bukoba district.

The minister of agriculture insisted the researchers to continue their efforts to write different research proposals to help progressiveness in research as government fund alone is insufficient to accommodate all challenges they face.

He said researchers should do their activities according to agricultural sector rules and regulations of the 5th government which is led by his Excellency, Hon. Dr John Pombe Magufuli so as to increase value in producing coffee in the country along with other crops.

He asked them to work incorporations on searching the best ways of producing crops, land fertilization, technology distribution, efficient markets, and contribution of researches in improving economic status and life in general.

He said that agricultural research centre should continue its efforts to produce quality seeds of different crops, including, beans, sweet potatoes, cassava and others.

Maruku research centre (TARI-MARUKU) is one of the two agricultural research centres in lake zone whereas its hard quarter is in Ukiriguru-Mwanza. It helps farmers and other stakeholders with various skills in  agriculture its technology.

Dr Tizeba asked the principal of maruku training centre, Mr Laurent Matthew Luhembe to resolve the challenge of having no dining hall at the campus.

He padded that the centre should come up with new strategy to find sources of income such as having green house which will increase the income and finally centre to be independent instead of leaving all challenges to be handled by the government.

Finally, all research institutes, including, centre of agricultural development (MARUKU) are required to make sure that they preserve their land for a long-term use.



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